Saturday, 1 November 2014


  by TruAlfa &
    Vocabulary-Building Word Lists
Indonesian Words   English Translation
angkasa = atmosphere; firmament; sky; space
angkasa luar = outer space; the universe outside of Earth's atmosphere
angkasawan = spaceman; astronaut; cosmonaut
antariksa = space; outer space; firmament
asteroid = asteroid; an object in outer space smaller than a planet that revolves around the sun
astrologi = astrology; the study of objects in outer space (planets, stars, etc.)
astronaut = astronaut; a spaceman; a human space traveler
astronomi = astronomy; the science and study of objects in outer space
bimasakti = Milky Way galaxy; a large cluster of stars in outer space
bintang = star; constellation
bintang berekor = comet; milky way constellation
bintang bersinar = shining star
Bintang Utara = North Star
bulan = moon
bulan muda = new moon; waxing moon
bulan purnama = full moon
bulan tua = waning moon; decreasing moon
cahaya bulan = moonlight
cakrawala = the horizon; the heavens; sky; atmosphere; firmament; revolution
declinasi = declination; a downward bend
dirgantara = upper atmosphere; sky; outer space
gerhana = eclipse; a blocking from view of an object in outer space
gerhana bulan = lunar eclipse; an eclipse of the moon
gerhana matahari = solar eclipse; an eclipse of the sun
gerhana mutlak = total eclipse
gerhana sebagian = partial eclipse
ilmu falak = astronomy
jagat raya = universe; cosmos
Jupiter = Jupiter
komet = comet; an object in outer space that moves around the sun with a visible trail or "tail"
kosmik = cosmic; relating to the cosmos; regarding the universe
kosmos = cosmos; universe
langit = sky; heaven; firmament
lapisan ozon = ozone layer
Leo = Leo; the fifth sign of the zodiac
Libra = Libra; the seventh sign of the zodiac
lubang hitam = black hole; theoretical point in the universe remaining from a collapsed star
Mars = Mars (planet)
matahari = sun; the star which planet Earth orbits around
Merkurius = Mercury; the planet Mercury
meteor = meteor; an object from outer space that enters the earth's atmosphere; a "falling star"
nebula = nebula; a cloud of dust and gas in outer space
Neptunas = Neptune (planet)
nujum = astrological predictions; astrologer; stars
orbit = orbit; the continuous revolving of an object in outer space around another object
pesawat antariksa = spaceship
planet = planet; an object in outer space that orbits around a star
planetoid = planetoid; an object in outer space like a small planet that orbits around a star
Pluto = Pluto (planet)
ramalan bintang = horoscope; astrological forecasts of future events
satelit = satellite; an orbiting object
solstis = solstice
stratosfer = stratosphere; the earth's outer atmosphere
surya = sun; solar
tata surya = solar system
teleskop = telescope; a device for viewing and magnifying distant objects
troposfer = troposphere; an atmospheric layer existing above the earth's surface
Uranus = Uranus (planet)
Utarid = Mercury (planet)
Venus = Venus (planet)
zodiak = zodiac; astrological groupings of stars or objects in outer space
Body Parts    
alis = eyebrow; the line of hair above a person's eye
amandel = tonsils; the two small fleshy organs at the rear of a person's tongue
anatomi = anatomy; the science and study of body structure
arteri = artery; a large blood vessel that carries blood from the heart
aurat = a private part of the body not to be exposed in public; sexual organ
badan = hull; body; torso; trunk; figure
badani = bodily; physical; corporal; carnal; material
badaniah = bodily; physical; corporal; carnal; material
bahu = shoulder
batang leher = neck
batang zakar = penis; male sex organ
betis = the calf of a leg; the hind part of a human leg below the knee
bibir = lip; edge; hem
bibir atas = upper lip
bibir bawah = lower lip
biji mata = eyeball; pupil
biseps = biceps; a double-headed muscle; a muscle of the upper arm
bokong = buttocks; butt; posterior; rump; fanny; buns
botak = bald; bald headed; hairless; without hair on the top of the head
buah dada = breast; bosom; bust
buah pelir = testicles
colon = colon; large intestine
cuping telinga = earlobe; the flesh at the bottom of a person's ear
dada = chest; breast; bosom; bust
dagu = chin; the lower front part of a person's jaw
dahi = forehead; brow
darah = blood
dengkul = knee
dubur = anus; the lower opening of the bowel where feces is excreted
esofagus = esophagus; gullet
genitalia = genitals; genitalia; the reproductive organs
gigi = tooth; an object similar to a tooth
ginjal = kidney; a human organ that excretes urine
gland = a gland; a body organ that produces a secretion
gonad = gonad; testicle; male sex gland
hati = heart; liver; emotional center; inner self
hidung = nose
himen = hymen; a membrane partly closing the orifice of the vagina
janggut = beard; chin hair; chin
jari = finger; toe; a shape like a finger
jari kaki = toe
jari kelingking = little finger
jari manis = ring finger
jari tangan = finger
jari telunjuk = index finger; forefinger
jari tengah = middle finger
jasmani = physique; body
jasmaniah = physical; corporal; carnal; material
jemari = finger
jempol = thumb; big toe
jenggot = beard; chin hair
kaki = foot; lower leg; lower part; foundation
kandung kemih = urinary bladder; a body organ that stores urine
kelenjar = a gland; a body organ that secretes fluids
kelenjar air mata = tear duct gland; a gland that secretes tears when crying, etc.
kelopak mata = eyelid; the layer of skin above the eye
kemaluan = genitals; the external reproductive sexual organs
kemaluan laki-laki = male genitals; the external reproductive organs of a male
kemaluan perempuan = female genitals; the external reproductive organs of a female
kening = eyebrow; brow; forehead
kepala = head; headman; chief
kerongkongan = throat; gullet; wind pipe
ketiak = armpit; the hollow area under the arm at the shoulder
kornea = cornea; a membrane covering the front of an eyeball
kuku = fingernail; toenail; claw; hoof; nail
kuku kaki = toenail
kuku tangan = fingernail
kulit kepala = scalp; the skin on the top of the head
kumis = moustache; hair growth on a man's upper lip
kuping = ear
kutil = wart; a mole; a small growth on the skin
leher = neck; throat area
lengan = arm; sleeve
liang kemaluan = vagina
lidah = tongue; an object shaped like a tongue
lutut = knee; the leg joint between the thigh and the lower leg
mata = eye
muka = face; front; surface; surface level
mukosa = mucus; a sticky body fluid in the nose and throat area
mulut = mouth; aperture; an opening similar to a mouth
otak = brain; mind; intellect
otot = muscle; sinew; tendon
paha = thigh; the part of a leg above the knee
pangkal paha = hip; groin; crotch
pankreas = pancreas; a body organ near the stomach that secretes juices
pantat = buttocks; butt; buns; posterior; rump; fanny
paru-paru = lungs; body organs used for breathing
payudara = breast; teat; female organ for feeding milk to offspring
pelipis = temple area (side of the head)
pelir = penis; male genitals
pelupuk mata = eyelid; the skin covering the front of the eyeball
pembuluh darah = blood vessel; blood vein
pembuluh nadi = artery; a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart
pergelangan kaki = ankle
perut = stomach; belly; gut; tummy
pinggang = waist; loin; mid-section of the torso
pinggul = hip; seat; rear end; haunches
pipi = cheek; the fleshy side of a person's mouth
pita suara = vocal cords
pori-pori = skin pores
puki = vagina; vulva; female genitals
punggung = a back; a part that is behind
puting susu = nipple of a female breast
rahang = jaw; jawbone; the bone where teeth are embedded
rahang atas = upper jawbone
rahang bawah = lower jawbone
rahim = womb; uterus
rambut = hair
rangka manusia = human skeleton
rektum = rectum; anus; the end point of the large intestine
retina = retina; the membrane at the back of the eyeball that senses light images
saraf = nerve; nerve fiber
sel darah = blood cell; corpuscle
sel tunas = stem cell; a cell that replicates itself
selangkangan = groin; crotch area
siku = elbow
tangan = arm; hand; forearm; wrist
tapak tangan = palm of the hand
telapak kaki = sole of the foot or shoe
telapak tangan = palm of the hand
telinga = ear
tenggorok = throat; larynx
testis = testicle; gonad
tonsil = tonsil; fleshy tissue at the back of the mouth
tubuh = body; the physical body; torso
tulang = bone
tulang belakang = backbone
tulang kering = shinbone; shank
tulang punggung = backbone
tulang rusuk   rib; rib bone; roof rafter
tumit = a heel; the lower back part of a foot
urat = vein; muscle; sinew; nerve; tendon; fiber
urat nadi = artery
urat saraf = nerve
usus = intestines; bowels; entrails
vagina = vagina; a tube connecting the womb to the vulva in females
zakar = penis; the male sex organ

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